To be forgotten...
My past and memories have played a great deal of tricks on me and my mind. Many bad memories have been forced out of my head, that when anyone asks me about them, i simply do not remember. Then again, i have a horrible memory. Unlike the female species, the male species remembers incidents, scenarios, feelings...not times, dates and places, as they are unimportant.
Ask me how i feel whenever i hold your hand, how my first kiss was, how my heart skipped a beat when my eyes first met, i realise that there was one part of my life, that i had to get rid of. i kept the memories because they were dear to me, only to find out that the other person who had shared these memories has no recollection of the times we had shared. This drove me outside, on the porch, sitting on my beach chair, smoking, and slowly erasing the memories, which made up a huge part of my life. One by one, i thought about them, lived them again and deleted them. Now, they never happened. Now, like the many parts of my life i seem to have voids in, a huge void has been created.
We live our lives, try ways and means to remember the good, videos, momentos and memories...and try our best to forget the bad...for me, only one bad incident stays, and that 'nightmare' overrides all the other petty shits that go on or has gone on. And my collection of happy memories, slowly diminishes....
Fades away...
Nothing else matters...
ever mattered...
Ask me how i feel whenever i hold your hand, how my first kiss was, how my heart skipped a beat when my eyes first met, i realise that there was one part of my life, that i had to get rid of. i kept the memories because they were dear to me, only to find out that the other person who had shared these memories has no recollection of the times we had shared. This drove me outside, on the porch, sitting on my beach chair, smoking, and slowly erasing the memories, which made up a huge part of my life. One by one, i thought about them, lived them again and deleted them. Now, they never happened. Now, like the many parts of my life i seem to have voids in, a huge void has been created.
We live our lives, try ways and means to remember the good, videos, momentos and memories...and try our best to forget the bad...for me, only one bad incident stays, and that 'nightmare' overrides all the other petty shits that go on or has gone on. And my collection of happy memories, slowly diminishes....
Fades away...
Nothing else matters...
ever mattered...
Superman returns...
What can i's nice to always have someone love you, even when you go away...and it's hard to never have the one you love with you...the biggest fight he had, was with strong and invinsible as he was, all he could say was...
"I will always be around..."
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